man uac19


  uac19 - Report COVID-19 csv files from owid or nytimes


  uac19 [-options]


  The uac19 command reports COVID-19 csv files downloaded from any of:
   1. owid ( contains only international data; or
   2. nytimes ( contains US states and counties.

  See acknowledgments at bottom.

  Export the COVID19 environment variable to pre-set options.

  This  program  uses  the  old  (1995) pre-Linux uak parser, options and values must
  always be specified distinctly (space separated).

  The csv files may be set with:

  -use file-type

         This option will automatically initiate a curl to download the data.   Typi-
         cally  data should only be downloaded once a day. See the etc/Countries file
         for download locations.  Default directory is $HOME/Downloads.

  -Directory directory
         Specify directory for -use.

  -file filename
         Specify a [directory/]file:  owid-covid-data.csv,  us-counties.csv,  or  us-


  -base etcdir
         Location of files interpreting the csv files.  Three files are provided:
          Countries: International and US States
          Counties: US State counties/localities
          Co-Remap: Name remapping

         That  Countries file contains the [inter]national standard 2 and 3 character
         country/state codes, a four character non-standard  region/sub-region  code,
         and  population  to  facilitate data selection.  The populations in the file
         came mostly from scraped early May 2020  and  sup-
         plemented  from Wikipedia for some missing values.  Effective v4.8 (11/2021)
         the owid population, life expectancy, median age, age 65, and  age  70  were
         added  to  Countries.  These owid values were static for all days.  The owid
         population takes precedence when available.

         The Counties file uses 2 character state codes for name and '-c', but speci-
         fies  'USA'  for country code for state total entries.  For us-counties.csv,
         specify '-c us' for a report similar to us-states.csv.

         Default install to /usr/local/etc.   Some  folk  may  choose  a  non-default
         install.   If  -base  is  not  specified  and  the  file  is  not  found  in
         /usr/local/etc, the program will check the directory of the  csv  files  (if
         specified),  then $HOME/etc, then /proc/PID/exe (backtrack from /bin|/src to

          Toggle flag for additional output.

          Toggle very verbose, includes file opens and any debugging information.

          Flag for less output. This will turn off blank line between locations.

          Show output for all days (default is last day), this does respect -every.

  -every integer
         Report every value days.  To see a weekly summary use '-e 7'.

  -i  integer
         Report value days, default is 1.  To see a week of days use '-i 7'.  To  see
         last  five  weeks use '-i 5 -e 7".  Any value besides 1 sets the rank column
         to rank for the location not by location Use 0 to show last  date  with  the
         rank for the location.

  -I or -roll integer
         Specify  rolling  -every.  E.g., '-e 14 -I 7 -i 5" will report 5 weeks of 14
         day totals.

          Using -i show top days confirmed cases and toggles year column.

          Using -i show current then top days confirmed cases and toggles  year  col-

          Using -i show top days deaths; respect +top for current then top.

  -First integer
         Specify first numeric day to use, '-F 61' is 2020-03-01 (owid).

  -Last integer
         Specify last numeric day to use, '-L 93' is 2020-04-01 (owid).

          Sort  locations  by ascending confirmed cases, unless a different sort type

          Sort locations by descending confirmed cases, unless a different sort  type

  +sort column
         Specify  which  column to sort ascending if not confirmed cases.  See '+col-
         umns' below for sortable column labels, names, and aliases.

  +Sort column
         Specify which column to sort descending if not confirmed cases.  See  '+col-
         umns' below for sortable column labels, names, and aliases.

          Order days from oldest to newest (default is newest to oldest).

  -region list
         A  comma delimited list of 2 or 4 character region/sub-region codes. Defined
         regions are:
          AF Africa
          AS Asia
          EU Europe
          NA North America
          SA South America
          US United States
          WO World Other

         Default is null and case does not matter.  The owid data includes aggregates
         by continent and income levels and are identified as 'WO'.

  -country list
         A  comma  delimited  list of 3 character country codes.  For us-counties.csv
         states are identified as 'USA' and counties by their 2 character state code.
         Default is null and case does not matter.

  -name list
         A  comma delimited list of 2 character country codes.  Default is "US,WO" if
         neither region, country, name, nor location is specified.  The  China  prov-
         inces  all  use their province codes.  US states their state code, e.g., '-n
         ak,wa' for Alaska and Washington.  For us-counties.csv state codes are used.

  -location list
         A comma delimited list of  location  names  (country,  province,  state,  or
         county).   Default  is  null  and case does not matter.  There is an implied
         wildcard at end (try Miss).  Append '!' at end to avoid implied wildcard.  A
         '*' wildcard can be used and a '?' can be used for a space, like 'New?York'.

         The  region,  country,  name, and location filters are all 'or' matched when
         Countries are used.  For Counties, the region, county, name are 'or' matched
         then 'and' matched with location since there are many duplicate county names
         between states.

         Specified locations will be reported regardless of -minimum, -deaths,  -per-
         cent, +minimum, -Population, or -Y values.

  +locations list
         Use  when  neither  -r, -c, -n, nor -l using other numeric filters to ensure
         specified locations are reported.

  +columns string | list
         Specify which columns to display:

          Label Name      Default Sort Aliases
          ----- ----      ------- ----
            2   Day        no
            y   YY-        no           Year
            1   Date      yes  on
            r   Region     no      yes
            c   Confirmed yes  on  yes  sort
            i   Increase  yes  on  yes  More
            p   Inc.%     yes  on  yes  Percent
            d   Deaths    yes  on  yes
            E   Died+     yes  on  yes
            W   D/C%       no      yes  DpC
            X   DpMil      no      yes
            m   Million    no      yes  population
            L   LifEx      no      yes
            Y   Pct.Co     no      yes  PctCo
            k   I/100k     no      yes  IpK, I100k
            V   Vac.       no      yes  Vaccinated
            F   FullV      no
            B   Boost      no
            e   Days      yes  on       every
            v   na,cou     no      yes  verbose, NaCo
            3   Indx       no      yes  Index
            R   Rank       no
            D   RnkD       no
            l   Location  yes  on  yes
            !   flag      yes  on       bang

         String may also contain:
           a include all (except Day, Indx, Rank, Rnkd)
           A include all
           - remove following
           + include (default)
           0 reset default

         The 'LifeEx', 'Vac.', 'FullV', and 'Boost' columns are only  available  with
         owid data.

         If  a  list  is  specified, comma separate the column names and use a '-' to
         disable columns.  If only one item is  specified,  before  processing  as  a
         string  will  first  check  if  a 3+ character column name or alias match is
         found.  Various options automatically include columns.  Use '+c  2'  or  '+c
         -dE' respectively.  The '!' (flag) will place an asterisk after any Increase
         exceeding previous period and replace the '+' with  Died  with  an  asterisk
         when deaths exceed the previous period.

  -minimum integer | -confirmed integer
         Minimum confirmed cases to report on last day.  Default is 500.

  +more integer | -More integer | -increase integer
         Minimum increase in confirmed case to report on last day.  Default is -1, to
         reset use '+m .".

  -deaths integer
         Minimum deaths to report on last day.  Default is 50.

  +deaths integer
         Minimum increase in deaths to report on last day.

  -percent float
         Minimum percentage increase to report.  Default is 0% on  last  day.   Note,
         the minimum, deaths, and percent filters are 'and' matched.

  -Population float | -millions float | -population float
         Specify minimum population to report (in millions).  Adds two columns: popu-
         lation in millions and percent of population confirmed.

  +W float | -d/c float
         Minimum dead/confirmed percent to report on last day.

  -X float | -dpm float
         Specify minimum dead per million of population.  Adds a column.

  -Y float | -pctco float
         Specify minimum percentage of population confirmed.  Adds two columns: popu-
         lation in millions and percent of population confirmed.

  -k float | | -ipk  float
         Specify minimum increase per 100k population to report.

  +k float | | +ipk  float
         Specify maximum increase per 100k population to report.

  +page integer
         Specify page size.  Report will pause, use:
          "0" or simple return for next line;
          "." or " " for next page;
          "a" for remainder of report;
          "q" or "e' to terminate report;
          "x" to terminate program;
          "-*" or "-*" will terminate report and parse options.

          Toggle  whether [sub-]region totals are displayed.  Enabled by default when
         -region specified.

          Toggle whether only [sub-]regtion totals are displayed.

          Toggle whether totals are displayed.

          Zero -minimum, +minimum, -deaths, +deaths values.  Unset -percent, -Popula-
         tion, -W, -X, and -Y values.

          Invoke  interactive  mode  to  change  options and continue reporting.  The
         -Reverse, -quiet, and sort flags are on|off toggles.  Exit  program  with  a
         null response, exit, x , or quit.

OPTIONS / COMMANDS (interactive mode)

          Reset everything to defaults except '-n US,WO'.

  ! command
          Invoke a shell command.

  append file
         Specify file to append current report.

  write file
         Specify file to write current report.

          Display column settings.

          Display demographic information for selected locations.
          The following columns are displayed:
            Confirmed Deaths DpMil Million Pct.Co I/100k Location
          and owid data includes:
            LifEx Med. Age65 Age70 Vac. FullV Boost

          Force a resort.

  regions rrss
          Display regions and/or sub-regions.
          If no rr[ss] specified, lists all regions.
          If just rr will display sub-regions for rr.
          If rrss will specify all locations for sub-region.
          Use "rr*" to display all locations for a region.
          If '-v' or 'R', displays location codes and population (millions).

          Display location names remapped from current *.csv name.
          If 'M' display remaps from all *.csv names.

          Display locations which had confirmed which were voided.

          Display locations with no confirmed cases.
          If 'Z' show all locations including confirmed cases.

          Display locations with unknown population.
          If 'P' show all locations including population.

  -help | help
          Produce a terse message showing settings.

  -? | -Help | Help
          Display  a detailed usage description.  Use -verbos for additional informa-

  X | exit | quit
          Exit program. Null response also exits.


  A us-states download reporting current and 5 worst fortnights for 3 states:

   # uac19 -use us-s -l new?york,wash,calif -i 6 -e 14 +top +c Rank
   YY-Date   Confirmed Increase    Inc.%  Deaths   Died+ Days Rank Location
   -------   --------- --------    -----  ------   ----- ---- ---- --------
   21-11-26    5060365    63379     1.3%   74327   1126* 14.0   25 CALIFORNIA
   21-01-08    2640221   575458*   27.9%   29228   5264* 14.0    1 CALIFORNIA
   20-12-25    2064763   536526*   35.1%   23964   3110* 14.0    2 CALIFORNIA
   21-01-22    3141404   501183    19.0%   36326   7098* 14.0    3 CALIFORNIA
   20-12-11    1528237   335148*   28.1%   20854   1754* 14.0    4 CALIFORNIA
   21-02-05    3395797   254393     8.1%   43631   7305* 14.0    5 CALIFORNIA

   21-11-26    2706059    90510*    3.5%   56861    422  14.0   13 NEW YORK
   21-01-22    1309660   207958*   18.9%   41530   2684* 14.0    1 NEW YORK
   21-01-08    1101702   192579*   21.2%   38846   2107* 14.0    2 NEW YORK
   21-02-05    1459066   149406    11.4%   44012   2482  14.0    3 NEW YORK
   20-12-25     909123   149358*   19.7%   36739   1756* 14.0    4 NEW YORK
   20-04-17     233293   129604*  125.0%   16473  12757* 14.0    5 NEW YORK

   21-11-26     770886    18140     2.4%    9256    277  14.0   18 WASHINGTON
   21-09-03     577569    47475*    9.0%    6749    348* 14.0    1 WASHINGTON
   21-09-17     623254    45685     7.9%    7256    507* 14.0    2 WASHINGTON
   21-10-01     663560    40306     6.5%    7824    568* 14.0    3 WASHINGTON
   21-08-20     530094    40134*    8.2%    6401    192* 14.0    4 WASHINGTON
   20-12-11     204484    39254*   23.8%    3097    269* 14.0    5 WASHINGTON

  An initial owid download and default report:

   # uac19 -use owid
   Date   Confirmed Increase    Inc.%  Deaths   Died+ Days Location
   ----   --------- --------    -----  ------   ----- ---- --------
   11-26  260658768   594299     0.2% 5189402   6953   1.0 World
   11-26   48177907    51333*    0.1%  776349    552*  1.0 United States

  Establish file for following examples and report US for last 15 days and its  rank,
  confirmed and deaths (note, US reporting on weekends and holidays is marginal):

   # export COVID19="-f $HOME/Downloads/owid-covid-data.csv
   # uac19 -n us -i 15 +c bang,rank,rnkd,-inc.
   Date   Confirmed Increase  Deaths   Died+ Days Rank RnkD Location
   ----   --------- --------  ------   ----- ---- ---- ---- --------
   11-26   48177907    51333* 776349    552*  1.0  326  455 United States
   11-25   48126574    34522  775797    394   1.0  437  522 United States
   11-24   48092052   111272* 775403   1633*  1.0  147  170 United States
   11-23   47980780    92609  773770   1426*  1.0  174  206 United States
   11-22   47888171   157580* 772344   1226*  1.0   94  237 United States
   11-21   47730591    28719  771118    105   1.0  482  608 United States
   11-20   47701872    41493  771013    322   1.0  395  550 United States
   11-19   47660379   129060* 770691   1996*  1.0  124  118 United States
   11-18   47531319   109578  768695   1262   1.0  153  229 United States
   11-17   47421741   111404* 767433   1622*  1.0  145  172 United States
   11-16   47310337    87586  765811   1278*  1.0  180  226 United States
   11-15   47222751   138787* 764533   1271*  1.0  116  228 United States
   11-14   47083964    30161  763262    120   1.0  468  603 United States
   11-13   47053803    40833  763142    452   1.0  397  500 United States
   11-12   47012970   146251* 762690   2484*  1.0  107   69 United States

  North America (northern) last two weeks, then prompt for changes:

   # uac19 -r nana -e 14 -i 1 -x
   Date   Confirmed Increase    Inc.%  Deaths   Died+ Days Location
   ----   --------- --------    -----  ------   ----- ---- --------
   11-26    1790579    36857*    2.1%   29671    309  14.0 Canada
   11-26    3879836    41528*    1.1%  293614   2984* 14.0 Mexico
   11-26   48177907  1164937*    2.5%  776349  13659  14.0 United States
   Options? # US progression (28 days) since start of pandemic:
   Options? -r . -n us -all -e 28 +c !RD # add ranks
   Date   Confirmed Increase    Inc.%  Deaths   Died+ Days Rank RnkD Location
   ----   --------- --------    -----  ------   ----- ---- ---- ---- --------
   11-26   48177907  2233410     4.9%  776349  29912  28.0    8   11 United States
   10-29   45944497  2288586     5.2%  746437  44754  28.0    7    6 United States
   10-01   43655911  3689350     9.2%  701683  53861* 28.0    5    4 United States
   09-03   39966561  4173209*   11.7%  647822  31522* 28.0    3   10 United States
   08-06   35793352  1874073*    5.5%  616300   9745* 28.0    9   21 United States
   07-09   33919279   392611     1.2%  606555   7649  28.0   22   22 United States
   06-11   33526668   553067     1.7%  598906  14450  28.0   21   20 United States
   05-14   32973601  1323536     4.2%  584456  18994  28.0   14   18 United States
   04-16   31650065  1848961*    6.2%  565462  25052  28.0   10   15 United States
   03-19   29801104  1690340     6.0%  540410  43331  28.0   13    7 United States
   02-19   28110764  3143742    12.6%  497079  76273  28.0    6    2 United States
   01-22   24967022  6026526*   31.8%  420806  85156* 28.0    1    1 United States
   12-25   18940496  5708994*   43.1%  335650  68544* 28.0    2    3 United States
   11-27   13231502  4152200*   45.7%  267106  36522* 28.0    4    9 United States
   10-30    9079302  1743795*   23.8%  230584  21947* 28.0   12   16 United States
   10-02    7335507  1131510    18.2%  208637  21131  28.0   17   17 United States
   09-04    6203997  1258140    25.4%  187506  26408  28.0   15   14 United States
   08-07    4945857  1753441*   54.9%  161098  26794* 28.0   11   12 United States
   07-10    3192416  1145449*   56.0%  134304  16949  28.0   16   19 United States
   06-12    2046967   594022    40.9%  117355  26493  28.0   20   13 United States
   05-15    1452945   737520*  103.1%   90862  51855* 28.0   18    5 United States
   04-17     715425   695395* 3471.8%   39007  38635* 28.0   19    8 United States
   03-20      20030    20014*    *.*      372    372* 28.0   23   23 United States
   02-21         16       14   700.0%       0      0  28.0   24   24 United States
   01-24          2        1   100.0%       0      0   2.0   25   24 United States

   Options? -help
   # export="-f /home/kcarlson/Downloads/owid-covid-data.csv"
   # Days: 676 First=0 Last=676 Columns=1cipdEeRDl!
   # uac19  -m 500  -d 50  -e 28  -a  -x
   #  -n us
   Options? # Europe >2m cases, sort died+
   Options? -n . -r eu -j -m 2000000 -i 1 +s died +c Rnkd,-inc.
   Date   Confirmed Increase  Deaths   Died+ Days Rank RnkD Location
   ----   --------- --------  ------   ----- ---- ---- ---- --------
   11-26    5131012   119864*  87955    587  28.0    1   20 Spain
   11-26    2596521   440711*  19666    843* 28.0    2    9 Netherlands
   11-26    7654128   399349* 119818   1228* 28.0    3   16 France
   11-26    4982022   219459* 133537   1500* 28.0    4   15 Italy
   11-26    2089857   337771*  32643   1938* 28.0    5    8 Czechia
   11-26   10125945  1104244  145036   4221* 28.0    6    9 United Kingdom
   11-26    5735837  1144573* 100783   5082* 28.0    7    8 Germany
   11-26    3461066   452772*  82607   5732* 28.0    8    8 Poland
   11-26    3565644   553274*  89307  18166* 28.0    9    1 Ukraine
   11-26    9337575  1038725* 265134  33203* 28.0   10    1 Russia
   Options? # World sort descending >2000 dead/million, population >4 million
   Options? -r . -m . -dpm 2000 +S dpm -pop 4 +c -died,pop
   Date   Confirmed Increase  Deaths   DpMil Pct.Co Days Rank RnkD Location
   ----   --------- --------  ------   ----- ------ ---- ---- ---- --------
   11-26    2231175    31299* 201026  6026.1  6.688 28.0    1   21 Peru
   11-26     687410    89211   27996  4059.4  9.967 28.0    2    1 Bulgaria
   11-26    1068888   205469*  33866  3515.2 11.095 28.0    3    5 Hungary
   11-26    2089857   337771*  32643  3043.8 19.487 28.0    4    8 Czechia
   11-26    1773845   145344   55989  2927.1  9.274 28.0    5    2 Romania
   11-26   22067630   274229  613957  2869.0 10.312 28.0    6   21 Brazil
   11-26   38876619   534665 1180103  2717.5  8.952 28.0    7   21 South America
   11-26     594475   131993*  10644  2607.8 14.565 28.0    8    2 Croatia
   11-26    1131206   244009*  14177  2596.2 20.715 28.0    9    6 Slovakia
   11-26    5324039    36592* 116505  2554.6 11.674 28.0   10   19 Argentina
   11-26    5060557    61509* 128343  2503.5  9.871 28.0   11   18 Colombia
   11-26   48177907  2233410  776349  2332.0 14.472 28.0   12   11 United States
   11-26    1701633   340983*  26840  2307.4 14.628 28.0   13   10 Belgium
   11-26     462605     1661*  16367  2267.0  6.408 28.0   14   16 Paraguay
   11-26    3879836    77549  293614  2254.0  2.978 28.0   15   19 Mexico
   11-26     361828    25968    9022  2242.0  8.992 28.0   16    1 Moldova
   11-26    4982022   219459* 133537  2212.1  8.253 28.0   17   15 Italy
   11-26    3461066   452772*  82607  2185.5  9.157 28.0   18    8 Poland
   11-26   10125945  1104244  145036  2126.4 14.846 28.0   19    9 United Kingdom
   11-26     716988     4670   25362  2124.9  6.007 28.0   20   16 Tunisia
   11-26    3565644   553274*  89307  2054.6  8.203 28.0   21    1 Ukraine
   Options? quit

  Following  examples report all locations with a population over 1/2 million with at
  least 14.0% (owid) and 16.0% (us) of the population as confirmed  cases  and  sorts
  descending on highest percentage of confirmed cases.

   # uac19 -n . -0 -P .5 -Y 14.0 +S pctco +c mil,dpc,dpm,ran,-per,die,inc,ev
   Date   Confirmed  Deaths  D/C%   DpMil Million Pct.Co Rank Location
   ----   ---------  ------  ----   ----- ------- ------ ---- --------
   11-26     156268    2281  1.5%  3631.9   628k  24.881    1 Montenegro
   11-26     831248   11810  1.4%  2967.5     4.0 20.887    2 Georgia
   11-26    1131206   14177  1.3%  2596.2     5.5 20.715    3 Slovakia
   11-26     413664    5142  1.2%  2473.6     2.1 19.900    4 Slovenia
   11-26    2089857   32643  1.6%  3043.8    10.7 19.487    5 Czechia
   11-26    1246508   11484  0.9%  1671.2     6.9 18.140    6 Serbia
   11-26     464562    6644  1.4%  2470.0     2.7 17.271    7 Lithuania
   11-26      91274     248  0.3%   456.2   544k  16.790    8 Maldives
   11-26     220514    1781  0.8%  1344.0     1.3 16.640    9 Estonia
   11-26     277536    1394  0.5%   797.3     1.7 15.875   10 Bahrain
   11-26    2596521   19666  0.8%  1145.2    17.2 15.120   11 Netherlands
   11-26   10125945  145036  1.4%  2126.4    68.2 14.846   12 United Kingdom
   11-26     131951     591  0.4%   659.6   896k  14.727   13 Cyprus
   11-26    1701633   26840  1.6%  2307.4    11.6 14.628   14 Belgium
   11-26     594475   10644  1.8%  2607.8     4.1 14.565   15 Croatia
   11-26   48177907  776349  1.6%  2332.0   332.9 14.472   16 United States
   11-26    1341541    8182  0.6%   880.6     9.3 14.439   17 Israel

   # uac19 -n . -0 -P .5 -Y 16.0 +S pctco +c mil,dpc,dpm,ran,-per,die,inc,ev \
    -f ~/Downloads/us-states.csv
   Date   Confirmed  Deaths  D/C%   DpMil Million Pct.Co Rank Location
   ----   ---------  ------  ----   ----- ------- ------ ---- --------
   11-26     160762    1912  1.2%  2510.1   762k  21.105    1 NORTH DAKOTA
   11-26     149116     853  0.6%  1162.1   734k  20.315    2 ALASKA
   11-26     110264    1347  1.2%  2375.6   567k  19.446    3 WYOMING
   11-26    1280475   16826  1.3%  2439.4     6.9 18.564    4 TENNESSEE
   11-26     164292    2320  1.4%  2569.1   903k  18.193    5 SOUTH DAKOTA
   11-26     592258    3487  0.6%  1062.4     3.3 18.045    6 UTAH
   11-26     188561    2915  1.5%  2760.0     1.1 17.853    7 RHODE ISLAND
   11-26     915671   14186  1.5%  2722.8     5.2 17.575    8 SOUTH CAROLINA
   11-26     190210    2632  1.4%  2421.9     1.1 17.503    9 MONTANA
   11-26     782745   10894  1.4%  2421.1     4.5 17.396   10 KENTUCKY
   11-26     526706    8652  1.6%  2847.0     3.0 17.332   11 ARKANSAS
   11-26     844594   16115  1.9%  3283.0     4.9 17.206   12 ALABAMA
   11-26     512632   10262  2.0%  3433.0     3.0 17.149   13 MISSISSIPPI
   11-26    1258919   22177  1.8%  3005.6     7.4 17.062   14 ARIZONA
   11-26    3684332   61147  1.7%  2780.3    22.0 16.752   15 FLORIDA
   11-26     662220   10879  1.6%  2750.8     4.0 16.745   16 OKLAHOMA
   11-26     305552    3892  1.3%  2131.3     1.8 16.732   17 IDAHO
   11-26     769051   14777  1.9%  3181.1     4.6 16.556   18 LOUISIANA
   11-26     968415    9944  1.0%  1699.3     5.9 16.549   19 WISCONSIN
   11-26     520318    7354  1.4%  2312.7     3.2 16.363   20 IOWA
   11-26     290909    4817  1.7%  2709.1     1.8 16.361   21 WEST VIRGINIA
   11-26    1088095   17386  1.6%  2577.5     6.7 16.131   22 INDIANA

  From  a  previously downloaded file, three counties of interest to author reporting
  increase per 100k population.

   # uac19 -f ./us-counties.csv -c ak,pa,wa -l fairb,centre,walla  -e  14  -i  10  +c
   Date   Confirmed Increase  Deaths I/100k  Days Location
   ----   --------- --------  ------ ------  ---- --------
   11-26      16937      556     107  574.1  14.0 Fairbanks
   11-12      16381      861     104  889.0  14.0 Fairbanks
   10-29      15520     1017      88 1050.1  14.0 Fairbanks
   10-15      14503     1504      72 1552.9  14.0 Fairbanks
   10-01      12999     2203*     66 2274.7* 14.0 Fairbanks
   09-17      10796     1498*     51 1546.7* 14.0 Fairbanks
   09-03       9298      688*     50  710.4* 14.0 Fairbanks
   08-20       8610      311*     45  321.1* 14.0 Fairbanks
   08-06       8299      213*     45  219.9* 14.0 Fairbanks
   07-23       8086       74*     44   76.4* 14.0 Fairbanks

   11-26      22540     1351*    258  832.0* 14.0 Centre
   11-12      21189      576*    248  354.7* 14.0 Centre
   10-29      20613      515     244  317.1  14.0 Centre
   10-15      20098      709     241  436.6  14.0 Centre
   10-01      19389      763     235  469.9  14.0 Centre
   09-17      18626      812*    232  500.0* 14.0 Centre
   09-03      17814      438*    231  269.7* 14.0 Centre
   08-20      17376      240*    230  147.8* 14.0 Centre
   08-06      17136      140*    228   86.2* 14.0 Centre
   07-23      16996       60*    228   36.9* 14.0 Centre

   11-26       9341      151     113  248.5  14.0 Walla Walla
   11-12       9190      212     110  348.9  14.0 Walla Walla
   10-29       8978      271     103  446.0  14.0 Walla Walla
   10-15       8707      333      99  548.1  14.0 Walla Walla
   10-01       8374      483      92  794.9  14.0 Walla Walla
   09-17       7891      588*     84  967.7* 14.0 Walla Walla
   09-03       7303      547*     78  900.3* 14.0 Walla Walla
   08-20       6756      448*     77  737.3* 14.0 Walla Walla
   08-06       6308      355*     75  584.3* 14.0 Walla Walla
   07-23       5953      273*     72  449.3* 14.0 Walla Walla

   Options? demographics
   Date   Confirmed  Deaths   DpMil Million Pct.Co I/100k  Location
   ----   ---------  ------   ----- ------- ------ ------  --------
   11-26      16937     107  1104.8    97k  17.488  574.1  Fairbanks
   11-26      22540     258  1588.8   162k  13.881  832.0  Centre
   11-26       9341     113  1859.8    61k  15.374  248.5  Walla Walla
   Options? quit


  Written by a retired, long-term employee of the University of Alaska utilizing pub-
  lic domain software (FSF/GPL) developed there.  Ongoing maintenance via SourceForge
  by Denali Sun Consulting.

  Suggestions or bug reports can be directed to

        The owid-covid-data.csv file contains international but not US states.
        The ua-states.csv contains US states.
        The ua-counties.csv contains US counties, etc.
        Copyright 2020 by the New York Times Company, also 'CC BY-NC'.

        For countries and US states, scraped early May 2020.
        The owid population takes precedence v4.9 11/2021.
        For missing values from 'A', scraped early May 2020.
        Annual Estimates of the Resident Population for US Counties,
        2010-04-01 to 2019-07-01 (CO-EST2019-ANNRES)
        Source: U.S. Census Bureau, Population Division, March 2020

  All  data  sources  provide  public data 'as is' to be used only for non-commercial
  purposes. Reference the sites for license details.